15 September 2005

Something to Read in the Late Afternoon If You're Bored: Beverages, Vicarious Nostalgia

The 7-Eleven never achieved ubiquity in my growing up. In my area of southern NH, it was all about Cumberland Farms, which we high-schoolers called "Cumbie's." So, while I don't have the nostalgia going full tilt here (I have never had a Slurpee in my life...), I greatly enjoyed this piece in Slate about the 40th birthday of the Slurpee by David Amsden. It's part nostalgia, part outrage at 7-Eleven's attempt at becoming more middlebrow.

Still, 7-Eleven makes me think of loiterers and Winona Ryder's attachment to the Big Gulp in Reality Bites, even if they are trying to pull a Dunkin' Donuts.

The muggy weather, though, has me thinking that a Slurpee wouldn't be entirely out of order. 7-Eleven anyone?

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