27 September 2005

If you can't say something nice...

(Contrary to how it appears, today is not Breast Day. Just in case anyone was confused... two breast-related posts just happened to occur in rapid succession, is all.)

In an effort to stack my karmic deck this week, I am going to say something nice about a New York Yankee as often as I can. Seems counterintuitive, but I can't keep spitting bile at the Sox... it's taking its toll on my mood. I also can't start attacking the Yankees, because that hasn't been working (they're firing on all cylinders with no end in sight).

If you know me, you know this is going to be difficult. But it's an approach that hadn't occurred to me, so here goes.

Today's Yankee About Whom I Will Write Something Nice:

Randy Johnson

The short hair is a good look for you.
Boy. You sure are one helluva pitcher.

I hope your knee cartillage doesn't continue to deplete.

41 is a nice number.

Ok. That wasn't so bad.

And while I'm at it, a little something for the Blue Jays:

I hear Toronto's a nice city. I would like to visit it someday.
I once accidentally hit a blue jay with my dad's car and it got stuck behind the license plate. I felt really bad about it.

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