06 October 2005

Serenity now!

Tony. I don't think I have to say anything. We both know what went wrong, and it won't help anyone if I fall into a blind rage. I imagine Mark Belhorn is chuckling to himself in Anaheim, and frankly, that's enough.

You were nervous, you were trying a little too (thanks, Mom) hard. Settle down, Chief. Just because you came to a team that falls behind or loses in spectacular fashion doesn't mean that you should contribute to that trend. So pull it together.

As I told another member of the Faithful yesterday, Tony Graffanino doesn't have the same mythic-collapse-describing ring to it as Bill Buckner, but do continue playing as if trying to erase the whole thing.

New day, new game in the Fens. Wake on the hill.

As Hart Brachen rightly notes, there ain't anyone who does hope better than a Red Sox fan.

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