10 October 2005

Eventually, Snowball will be born as a higher life form. Like a snowman.

Gothamist directed my attention to the fact that I missed the Cat Show this past weekend. Curses!

Of course, I'm disappointed that I didn't get to ogle the Abbyssinians or American Curls. However, the real travesty is that Claire and I didn't realize our chance of becoming full-fledged cat ladies by entering our children into the Feline Agility Competition. Yes, this is a real thing. People actually get their cats to do things like jump through hoops and "dance" around weave poles. The goal is completion of the course, with speed as a tiebreaker. And the best part is, anyone can enter. Like this fellow here, who appears to be having none of the thrill of competition.

Now, I'm pretty sure that if confronted with weave poles, Gus would find the nearest stack of newspapers and sit on them. Or suss out some packing tape to eat.

Appomattox could be a championship barfer. And I just know that Obediah could outlast any pesky rubber band left on the floor. Alas, I'll have to be satisfied with getting them all raucously stoned and turning them loose on the cat tunnel.

Check out the feline agility photo gallery. Some of them appear to be sort of into it.

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