14 March 2006

Proof of life, audio edition.

You saw the picture. You read the tales of woe.

It seems that the Mission to Romania is going swimmingly (at least as far as collecting story material for the bar is concerned). Lost belongings, wet feet. I can hardly wait until a poor defenseless Renault and a couple of bears (not to mention Dracula) are added to the mix.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of receiving two (2) voicemail messages from our intrepid travelers, neither of which they knew they were leaving. So, they were really more like recordings of four heartily boozing (I can only assume) voices and a bunch of ambient Eastern European noise... it was like being a fly on some Romanian public house's wall.

I have been told that there is some way to post said messages here, but until I figure that out (don't hold your breath... I only just summoned the tiny amount of patience needed to set up my new Douchetooth earpiece), I'm going to just transcribe my favorite bits of the messages from memory.

Gilhouse: There's no ring. I'm not hearing a ring.
Josh: Remember when *garble* was in *garble* and we called? It was like boop boop! boop boop!
*garble noise of Romanian bears roaring in the background...garble*
Josh: boop boop! boop boop!
Someone (Seth?): It says it has reception.
Gilhouse: Yeah I'm not hearing anything. Mohan. Sheena? Hello?
Toby: *garble garble*
Josh: Why do you hate everyone?
Gilhouse: What did we dial. It's Plus 1, [redacting my phone number... stalkers!]. It's supposed to be beep beep!
*sound of phone being passed around*
Seth: Hello? Hellooooo?

Needless to say, this little gem made my day. Mostly because I did not receive it at 3am (when it was allegedly recorded... though I'm not entirely sure how that would have worked...). If all you denizens of the Interweb are very lucky, I'll have more to report should those fearless gentlemen decide to call from a real Carpathian kitten ranch, or from within a bear's stomach, or from the bottom of the Black Sea.


claire said...

Here is the text message i received:
Sorry you can't hear us.

Brandon said...

ha! having lived in romania for a year, i can assure you that gentlemen are not allowed in the carpathian kitten ranches, and the bears, much like the villagers, would rather feed you than be fed by you.