30 November 2006

Big Dude, Little Dog

As promised, heartwarming photos of dudes with Carson.

First, my uncle Dennis:

And a great one of Josh:

As he mentioned, Josh and I had a lovely visit, which involved some fine beers at Strange Brew, breakfast at a diner where there's Scripture on the back of the menu, and plenty of dog-related hijinks.

Here is Josh, settling down with his bunkmates. He woke up with at least two of Carson's toys in his bed.

We've decided that we're going to move to Paris to become garbagemen.... 8 weeks of vacation!


J said...

Oh man, I totally forgot about that. You should write a whole post on it. I can't wait to live in Paris and only work until 2pm.

tobs said...

josh sure is a big dude.

claire said...

well re-vamped, my friend.