One of the best things about living in the Northeast is watching the seasons change, and not just because it's funny to say "leaf peepers" in the fall (giggle... it's also funny to refer to the soothing sounds of peepers peeping away around here after the spring thaw).
Of course, my favorite herald of spring is the resurfacing of the gross and weird expandable shark that Claire buried in the snowbank outside my front door:
But, as I said, the shark heralded the coming of warmer climes... and then, true to New England form, we had a big ass snowstorm, and a whole bunch of rain and now... NOW the season has changed from Mud to Black Fly.
This means driving with the windows down and, if you live in New England, stopping ever hundred yards or so to purchase a swimming pool filled with iced coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.
It's been quite some time since I last lived and drove around my native New Hampshire and you really cannot swing a dead cat around here without hitting a Dunkin' Donuts. Yes, I know that many other places have them, too, but here in N'Hampshah and Taxachusetts, the chain's ubiquity is quite remarkable. And thank gawd, because I really don't feel right unless I've consumed at least 8 gallons of the stuff each day. The hot coffee is passable, mind. I'll drink it happily. It's not the same as the black gold that comes out of my mom's Jura Happy Coffee Miracle Machine from Switzerland, but it'll get my eyes open and brain functioning in a pinch. But the iced coffee... that's a different story entirely. It is liquid joy. I think that with my next iced coffee cistern purchase, I should be offered stock options. And possibly also a bunch of balloons. That'd be nice.
Happy Spring-Summer (thanks, global warming!), all.
it is all i hoped and dreamed. could you take a second picture with a cell phone or a pencil or a ruler next to it so we can see the actual size it achieved?
that shark was so gross.
now i need an iced coffee.
Yeah, please do. I wonder if it's slimey coating has sunk into the earth, only to cause baby shark plants to bloom come summer. That shark was the best/worst purchase of my life.
Also, you'd be very happy in my parents' neighborhood, where, I kid you not, there are five (5) Dunkin' Donuts within a four minute drive of each other. A Krispy Kreme opened a few years ago near them and Dunkin's Donuts responded with a German like blitzkrieg of expansion, putting them soon out of business. Now there are many, many dunkin's.
Shark!!!! Woo-hoo! That shark totally beat the elements. It's poised to adapt to all climates.
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