20 October 2006

The road to hell is paved with 10% tips.

Oh mercy. Much time has passed between now and my last post. Not a whole lot has happened, except a wonderful visit from Claire, Seth, and Erin and more waitressing shifts than you can shake a stick at.

I've been lax mostly because my post-shift hours are being absorbed by episodes of The Wire on DVD.

To make my life seem thrilling and fun, I'm going to do a little "by the numbers" rundown of what's been up here up nawth. Also, if you scroll down from here, you'll find a few posts with pictures of the past two NH trips (some courtesy of Gil and Claire). I've been fighting with Picasa and Blogger to post the damned things, so do check back a couple of times over the next day or so as I beat them into submission.

So, without further ado and in no particular order, here's the condition my condition is in:

Number of customers I shut off tonight (my first time shutting someone off): 2

Number of two dollar bills currently in my possession: 2

Number of times I rattled off our beers on draft, within earshot of three tables' worth of people: 3

Yellowjackets I killed during one lunch shift: 4

Yellowjackets I found doing the backstroke in the dregs of cup of coffee on our patio: 6

Gentlemen customers who suggested I sit in their lap: 1

Gentlemen customers in whose laps I've sat: 0

Dyson vacuum cleaners acquired by the family: 1

Dyson vacuum cleaners with which I am a little bit in love: 1

Average number of animals in my bed at night (excluding me): 3

Record number of animals in my bed at night (excluding me): 4

Geophysicists with whom I've conversed: 1

Number of times I've heard children yelling "Five-O! Five-O!" when encountering police cruisers: Approximately 100 (related: Did you know that Southern NH is waaay overpoliced? You heard it here...)

Number of Guinness Ginger Cakes baked: 1

Number of quality days in the kitchen since last posting: 1/2

Number of food publications in which I am behind in my reading: Too fucking many.

Number of albums recently acquired that are making me very happy: 3 (Bonnie "Prince" Billy's Master and Everyone, B"P"B and Tortoise's The Brave and the Bold, The Decemberists' Crane Wife), with my compliments to Seth, a prep cook at work, and Newbury Comics.

Number of times my iPod has crashed in the car, making me very unhappy: Eleventy billion (ballpark)

Driver's licenses acquired by my little sister, Hayley: 1

Driver's license photos in which my little sister Hayley looks drunk, fat, drugged or otherwise hideous (as is how one normally looks in said photos): 0 (wtf?)

Dead camera batteries in my room: 2

Gross bug in the bathroom that must go undocumented due to dead camera batteries: 1

Number of weekend shifts between me and some quality reading and cooking time: 2

Likelihood reading and cooking time will be thrown over for The Wire: high

Reader complaints I hope to have answered by tonight's posts: 3


Brandon said...

today just happens to be our 7 month anniversary! you know, me and buttercup. the dyson. what?

Anonymous said...

Sit on my lap, Sheena! I swear, it won't be weird at all...

(Also: how is it we look so wholesome in that first photo? We look as though we belong in some American Eagle ad.)

Pratish Menon said...

Just landed up here while hunting for that spam bit on cocker spaniels. Nice stuff here. Keep writing :)

Anonymous said...

1) Where's the recipe for that Guiness ginger cake?

2) If you like cardamom, do you know about carrot halva?

claire said...

how can i live in the country vicariously through you if you don't post things for me to read?

the eternal questions, sheena.

t-minus 9 days??

Anonymous said...

"related: Did you know that Southern NH is waaay overpoliced? You heard it here...)"

that would be the price of living free or dying, i believe.