15 June 2007

Hast ye back, ya wee cunt.

Greetings all from Bonnie Scotland!

I'm here in St. Andrews with Bridget, living it up before she graduates from "Uni" next week. We got back yesterday from a whirlwind driving tour of the west coast and highlands, with stops at Loch Lommond, Loch Ness, the Eileen Donan castle, Oban, Inverness, Culloden, and the Clava Cairns.

We covered 500 miles in a little Ford KA (we like to say "cah"... makes us think of home). We split the driving, and when I was at the wheel, Bridget very helpfully sang the following:

Except it was more like "to the left, to the left...keep the car to the left." It was some kind of miracle that I didn't routinely turn on the wipers with my right hand when I needed to be shifting gears with my left.

Good times were had by all. More tales of hijinks on the A82, A9, etc. and pictures of this amazingly beautiful country when I return home.

One brief anecdote before I sign off, though: the gentleman who rode with us to the Enterprise office the other day is called Mr. Treblecock. I am not making that up.


tobs said...

well, look who likes saying cunt now.

Sheena said...

I don't like it, per se... and I did struggle with myself whilst deciding on my post title. They just throw the word around a lot here.

It still makes me shudder.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

dannae miss oot anh soom whiskeh. ets good f'r yiur d'gestion, not tae maention yiur inner wee lass.

J said...

Erin will be in London tomorrow. You should get tea together, that island's the size of a button right?

Also, I assume you saw Nessie and that she was mighty and wrathful?

J said...

You need to uh, blog.