21 September 2005

Something to Read in the Late Afternoon If You're Bored: Mocking the married.

According to Sex and the City, "The New York Times' Sunday wedding announcements page is like the Sports section for women."

According to me, the Sports page is the Sports page (though the Times' sports coverage is dicey, which is a different post for a different day) and the wedding announcements are terrifying. Sometimes I peruse them - out of morbid curiousity. How many MBAs are "tying the knot" this weekend? How many wealthy people are gearing up for divorce 36 months after a really opulent party at the Waldorf? So exciting! Really makes you believe in the power of love. And, you know, a good portfolio.

Well, Zach of Veiled Conceit takes it further and takes them (bride, groom, writer, bystanders) down. And it is hilarious.

I've linked to a favored post of mine, about a couple comprising a divorced former teacher who now works at Southeby's and his much younger former student (whom he met when she was 17). Fan-friggin-tastic.

I apologize for mining my blogs list for STRITLAIYB, but the dayjob has been busy, so I haven't been foraging too far away from the Web haunts lately.

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